November 26, 2007

Actor Jet Li breaks record with $13 mln paycheck




Actor Jet Li breaks record with $13 mln paycheck

November 07, 2007

Woman jumps to death from Tokyo building, lands on pedestrian



A woman died and a man was knocked unconscious, apparently after the woman leaped from the roof of a department store in Tokyo and landed on the man, police said Tuesday

Paradon scored woman and a 50 million BAHT house on the cheap?

So the tennis fad star Paradon Srichaphan and his trophy woman, the former Miss Universe Natalie Glebova, are buying a 50 million Baht (1.5 mil USD) house. That’s news? The Thai gossip mill is saying the couple got the house for free and that they’re doing the press conference about them buying this house to promote the property developer. Apparently Paradon denied all this and saying he bought with his own money. But when asked, the property manager/ owner said the couple received a very special discount.

Paradon scored woman and a 50 mil house on the cheap? « Thailicious

November 02, 2007



Full Name:
Ling Bai
October 10, 1970
Birth Place:
Chengdu, China
5' 3"
Career Start:
"Homicide: Life on the Street" (1993)
AA Ranking:
#138 most searched Celeb (

November 01, 2007

Welcome to North Korea by Peter Tetteroo and Raymond Feddema

Documentary Rating: NR Running Time: 60 Minutes Starring: Directed by: Peter Tetteroo, Raymond Feddema PLOT DESCRIPTION The winner of the 2001 International Emmy award for Best Documentary, Welcome to North Korea is a grotesquely surreal look at the all-too-real conditions in modern-day North Korea. Dutch filmmaker Peter Tetteroo and his associate Raymond Feddema spent a week in and around the North Korean capital of Pyongyang -- ample time to produce this outstanding film. Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs; from